What I’ve learned about men from countless hours of Tinder
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What I’ve learned about men from countless hours of Tinder


Romance is making a comeback. How do I go on pursuing the man I like when I am busy chasing deadlines? On apps like Tinder and Hinge, many only swiped to hook up , and mocked those who wanted something more serious. Meaningless sex trumps meaningful relationships at times. But then something changed.

PARIS — Desperately wanting to find their soul mates, people who use dating sites often fall victim to pointless conversations, hurt feelings.

Breaking news: dating apps are basically a huge waste of time and seldom help us land a significant other, says a gut-wrenching new study. We can all stop fooling ourselves now. The report, led by Taha Yasseri and Jennie Zhang from the Oxford Internet Institute , revealed that most of our dating app swipes are ignored, and the majority of our carefully-crafted messages go unanswered. Maybe you noticed that already? I know I did. Buzz-killing researchers looked at 19 million messages between , people on an unnamed dating app, and when the numbers were crunched, the results showed why so many of us are still single after years of Tinder-ing.

Sadly, 49 percent of messages on dating apps are single, unanswered messages, and of the 51 percent that did shoot a few messages back and forth, only 19 percent exchanged phone numbers. When you think about it, those are some pretty sad statistics.